Gloves Off

Gloves Off is a 3D Side-On strategy based fighting game. Where players will play in a rock, paper, scissors style of fighting with stamina, and bluffing being a major focus to ensure victory over your opponent.

My Major Roles:



This project saw me take up a leadership role, crafting various documents and acting as the key point of communication across the team.

This brought about some challenges as I had to juggle between keeping track of what was being worked on for the game and how various tasks were taking. I managed to tackle this through active communication along with various tools such as:

  • Task management sites (HackNPlan, Slack, etc)

  • Schedules for tracking team members and their tasks

  • Daily standup meetings

Meet The Team


Cody Archambault

Mechanic Design

Declan Cassidy

Level Design

Lachlan Cornford


Alec Walker


Koe Tabanquerao

Character Artist

Benjamin Thompson

Lead Artist

Aden Buglar

Environmental Artist

Ayla Kotch

Environmental Artist

Natasha Savage


Jasmine Chilton


Mikka Leslie